SUDAN INSIGHT ALERT: Council on Foreign Relations – The World’s Shameful Neglect of Sudan

31/5/2024: Council on Foreign Relations – The World’s Shameful Neglect of Sudan, by Michelle Gavin

Council on Foreign Relations fellow Michelle Gavin warns that the international disregard paid to Sudan’s conflict will have international ramifications.

Gavin argues that Sudan’s suffering proves that international mechanisms designed to address threats to peace and security are dysfunctional, basic norms around humanitarian access and civilian protection have eroded, and that the shame that should accompany support for senseless destruction elude far too many decision-makers.”

The conflict in Sudan “will only make bad situations in South Sudan and Chad all the more precarious” writes Gavin, citing the re-empowerment of extremists.

Gavin adds that the “anemic” global response signaled to “transactional actors like the UAE, who are willing to pay for influence and bankroll the destruction, that they simply need to stay the course to achieve their aims,” which “will be a lesson those same actors are sure to apply elsewhere, regardless of the costs to others.”