SUDAN INSIGHT ALERT: Politico – ‘No evidence’ Biden’s Sudan policy is working

31/5/2024: Politico – ‘No evidence’ Biden’s Sudan policy is working, by Matt Berg and Eric Bazail-Eimil

Politico report that top US lawmakers from both major US parties are calling for the US president Joe Biden administration to change course on Sudan.

Biden ally Senator Chris Coons (Democrat) said the US must do more to empower Sudanese civilians and civil society groups in peace talks and seek accountability for war crimes.

Republican Michael McCaul, chair of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, said the administration’s sanctions policy is “uncoordinated and not part of a larger strategy to achieve a lasting cease-fire,” calling on the White House to target countries who supply weapons and materiel to the warring parties.

Michelle Gavin, an ex-ambassador to Botswana, said “the US appears to be far more invested in the Jeddah process than the belligerents or other influential regional actors…the US does not have much leverage with the warring parties, and seems unwilling to use real leverage on their foreign supporters”.