SUDAN INSIGHT ALERT: Alsharq Alawsat – Why is the Sudanese army under fire?

31/5/2024: Alsharq Alawsat – Why is the Sudanese army under fire?, by Osman Mirghani

Veteran Sudanese journalist Osman Mirghani argues that Taqadum’s discourses are biased against the Sudanese army. 

Mirghani argues that Taqadum (previously the FFC) discredit the army’s airforce operations while “they overlook the Rapid Support militia’s (RSF) deliberate shelling of safe civilian neighbourhoods, which has claimed many lives”.

Mirghani accused Taqadum leaders of remaining silent about the RSF’s tribal mobilisation and recruitment of foreign mercenaries while attacking the popular resistance to the RSF by accusing the army of seeking a civil and tribal conflict.

Mirghani argues that while that while Taqadum spokespersons partially adjusted their rhetoric following pressure from the Umma Party, their condemnations of the RSF are immediately followed by condemnations of the army. However, Mirghani adds that “army violations are individual, while RSF violations are systematic,” which explains why “when RSF forces enter a town or village, people flee, while the army’s arrival is met with celebration”.