SUDAN INSIGHT ALERT: Slate - Nine Million People Have Fled. Up to 150,000 Are Dead. No One Is Talking About It

19/6/2024: Slate - Nine Million People Have Fled. Up to 150,000 Are Dead. No One Is Talking About It, by Aymann Ismail

Slate interviewed Mohanad Elbalal, the co-founder of Khartoum Aid Kitchen, a crowdfunded campaign to support community kitchens in Sudan.

Elbalal attributed the unfolding famine to lack of income and security and the Rapid Support militia (RSF) looting aid.

Elbalal added that the army “doesn’t have an issue” with their kitchens, but the issue in RSF territory is that many community activists who would lead volunteer work are being detained or killed.

Elbalal also said “there’s a feeling that prejudices – [that this is just Africans killing Africans] might lead people to care less” about Sudan. 

While the Paris conference pledged two billion euros, “there’s a difference between a pledge and actual donations arriving,” Elbalal noted, with only 15.8% of the $2.4 billion needed for Sudan’s humanitarian plan funded.

Elbalal added that pressure on the international community to meet the pledges “would go a long way to actually helping Sudanese people”