SUDAN INSIGHT ALERT: Amnesty International - Egypt: Authorities must end campaign of mass arrests and forced returns of Sudanese refugees

19/6/2024: Amnesty International - Egypt: Authorities must end campaign of mass arrests and forced returns of Sudanese refugees

Amnesty International call for Egyptian authorities to immediately cease the mass arbitrary arrests and unlawful deportations of Sudanese refugees who had crossed the border into Egypt seeking refuge from the conflict in Sudan.

Amnesty had recently published a report entitled, “Handcuffed like dangerous criminals”: Arbitrary detention and forced returns of Sudanese refugees in Egypt,

which reveals how Sudanese refugees are rounded up and unlawfully deported to Sudan without due process or opportunity to claim asylum in flagrant violation of international law.

Around 500,000 Sudanese refugees are estimated to have fled to Egypt after the armed conflict erupted in Sudan in April 2023. However, in the following month, the Egyptian government introduced a visa entry requirement for all Sudanese nationals, leaving those fleeing with little choice but to escape through irregular border crossings.