SUDAN NEWS ALERT: AFP - US to send more food aid to Sudan, warning of a risk of historic famine

15/6/2024: AFP - US to send more food aid to Sudan, warning of a risk of historic famine

AFP report that the US announced another $315 million for hungry Sudanese.

Linda Thomas-Greenfield, the US ambassador to the UN said: “we’ve seen mortality projections estimating that in excess of 2.5 million people – about 15% of the population – in Darfur and Kordofan, the hardest-hit regions, could die by the end of September,”

USAID administrator Samantha Power said Sudan could be in worse shape than Somalia in 2011 when 250,000 people died after three consecutive seasons without enough rain.

“The most worrying scenario would be that Sudan would become the deadliest famine since Ethiopia in the early 1980s,” when as many as 1.2 million people died, she said.

Power said the Rapid Support militia (RSF) has been “systematically looting humanitarian warehouses, stealing food and livestock, destroying grain storage facilities and wells in the most vulnerable Sudanese communities,” with army accused of blocking aid from crossing the border with Chad into Darfur.