SUDAN INSIGHT ALERT: BBC - Millions in daily struggle to find food as Sudan war rages

15/6/2024: BBC - Millions in daily struggle to find food as Sudan war rages, by James Copnall

The BBC report that, alongside the lack of food in Sudan, the remaining food is “punishingly expensive”.

Food security expert Timmo Gaasbeek said about 70% of the population could be “extremely hungry” by September, potentially leading to 2.5 to 4 million deaths.

Amgad Farid of Fikra Studies think-tank identified contributing factors including the Rapid Support militia (RSF) seizing al-Jazira state “which has the biggest agricultural scheme in Sudan, and produced a lot of our daily needs,” alongside the decline of food imports due to inflation.

Justin Brady, head of the UN's humanitarian body (Ocha) in Sudan, said the international community has not provided the funds help those in need.

Alex de Waal of the World Peace Foundation said that the warring parties “use starvation as a weapon of war” with the RSF “essentially a looting machine” and the army “trying to starve areas under RSF control”.