SUDAN INSIGHT ALERT: Reuters - Analysis: Sudan coup drama lays bare distrust between civilian, military leaders

8/10/2021: Reuters - Analysis: Sudan coup drama lays bare distrust between civilian, military leaders, by Khalid Abdelaziz and Nafisa Eltahir


Reuters’ feature piece provides quotes on Sudan’s political crisis, following a coup attempt that has been viewed sceptically, and “exposed divisions between civilian and military leaders”. 

"Tthe military component is not keen on democratic transition," said former trade Madani Abbas Madani, citing military attacks on civilians in the wake of the coup. "They aim, by weakening the civilian authority through economic sabotage and encouraging ethnic protests ... to create a reality that allows them ... to take control of Sudan," he said.

However, Reuters’ military source blamed the turmoil on civilian politicking and mismanagement, saying: “the root of the problem is the divergence of the parties that are controlling the FFC from the transitional constitution by monopolizing power”.

"Sudan's economy is probably the most fragile component of the transition," said the International Crisis Group’s Jonas Horner. "Any turning off of these taps would turn the transition back a long way."