SUDAN INSIGHT ALERT: African Arguments – “This Is Not a Coup”: Protestors in Sudan Aren’t “Unrealistic”

4/11/2021: African Arguments – “This Is Not a Coup”: Protestors in Sudan Aren’t “Unrealistic”, by an anonymous author


 Amid negotiations between Sudanese army chief Abdel-Fattah al-Burhan and former prime minister Abdallah Hamdok, African Arguments’ anonymous author warns that protesters, who seek an end to brutality, corruption and human rights violations, do not trust Hamdok - “a man of compromise who will be pressured by the military to sign a bad deal,” potentially appointing a cabinet that has no power.


Under negotiation are, reportedly: the state of emergency, release of political detainees, Hamdok selecting government officials, military immunity for the June 3 massacre and political representation, and the dismantlement of the anti-corruption committee.


The author adds that accountability for military use of live ammunition on peaceful protesters is absent from negotiations, and that “the only purpose for the military’s continued internet shutdown is punishing civilians and using web access as a bargaining chip internet shutdown,” with civilian politicians “effectively being held hostage”.