SUDAN NEWS ALERT: Multiple sources – Sudan’s al-Fashir main hospital shut after RSF attack

9/6/2024: Multiple sources – Sudan’s al-Fashir main hospital shut after RSF attack

·       Reuters

·      AP, by Samy Magdy

·      AFP

·      Sudan Tribune

The main hospital in al-Fashir has been attacked by the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces and put out of service, said Doctors Without Borders (MSF), which supports the facility.

South Hospital was the only hospital in al-Fashir capable of handling daily mass casualty events, according to MSF.

"It is outrageous that the RSF opened fire inside the hospital. This is not an isolated incident - staff and patients have endured attacks on the facility for weeks from all sides, but opening fire inside a hospital crosses a line," said Michel Lacharite, head of MSF emergencies in a statement.

The al-Fashir Emergency Response Room, a volunteer group, said that several people were killed and injured in the attack and that medicine and an ambulance were looted.

Leaving the city has proven dangerous, as residents say those fleeing have been attacked and even killed on the main RSF-controlled road out of the city.