SUDAN INSIGHT ALERT: Al-Rakoba – Do Taqadum realise the danger of their actions?

8/6/2024: Al-Rakoba – Do Taqadum realise the danger of their actions?, by Ahmed Mahmoud Kanem

For Taqadum to gain respect from Sudanese people and the international community, writer Ahmed Mahmoud Kanem argues that the coalition “must be freed from [its] dangerous dependency” on the Rapid Support militia (RSF) militia.

Kanem argues that the main reason behind the international community’s failure of to stop the war in Sudan is that while the danger of the RSF is understood, supporting the army risks reviving the Sudanese Islamic movement, leaving no other option but Taqadum.

However, since the war began, Kanem argues that Taqadum “threw themselves into the arms” of the RSF, upon the assumption of their shared enemy in the Islamists. Nonetheless, Kanem warns that Taqadum’s alliance with the RSF is dangerous on the basis that the latter’s rebellion is not revolutionary, seeks to maintain and expand the RSF’s financial and political power, and has ethnic goals that contradict Taqadum’s slogans on Sudan’s unity.