SUDAN NEWS ALERT: Mada Masr - Sudan Nashra

7/6/2024: Mada Masr - Sudan Nashra, by Hassan Alnaser, Mashair Idris, Mohamed Alagra and Omar al-Faroug

 Four seperate summaries

South Sudan

Mada Masr report that a South Sudanese delegation engaged in discussions with Sudanese officials in Port Sudan, presenting a roadmap for peace in Sudan.

Also on the agenda was the Sudanese state’s concern over South Sudanese militias fighting alongside the RSF, a security source told Mada Masr.

The Sudanese military had previously released footage of South Sudanese mercenaries fighting in the RSF’s ranks, stating that they were apprehended following the military’s recapture of Old Omdurman in March 2024.

Two military sources in the Signal Corps in the capital’s Bahri city and the Armored Corps in southern Khartoum told Mada Masr that the majority of RSF fighters involved in the attacks on the two camps are affiliated with South Sudanese militias.


Mada Masr’s sources shed light on Sudan’s agreement to provide Russia a logistics supply center on the Red Sea in exchange for weapons and ammunition.

Russia reportedly demands that Sudan cease dealings with Ukraine, allocate mining areas, and commence naval base construction while the the Sudanese government requested that the Russian Wagner military group not engage with the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) and that the Sudanese Armed Forces are supplied with ammunition and weapons.

African affairs analyst Adel Ahmed Ibrahim said the Sudanese-Russian rapprochement may exert pressure on the RSF to go to the Jeddah platform to seek an agreement to stop the war.

Political analyst Magdy Abdelqayyum said the Sudanese-Russian agreement is needed as it “thwarts the US-sponsored project of dismantling and fragmenting Sudan, which is facilitated by the UAE through the RSF militarily and [Taqadum] as a civilian political cover.”


Mada Masr report that Darfur Governor Minni Arko Minnawi address the Rapid Support militia’s (RSF) crimes in Al-Fashir in a call with US Special Envoy to Sudan Tom Perriello.

According to a source in the Darfur Regional Government, the US proposed a humanitarian protocol to protect civilians, which includes the withdrawal of armed groups from al-Fashir, opening humanitarian corridors for aid delivery, and evacuating the injured. Armed movements, the Darfur government, and Sudanese authorities rejected the proposal.

The source said that the US is not taking the crisis seriously, stressing that the RSF persists in its crimes due to the lack of international condemnation, urging for direct pressure to curtail RSF violations and cut off their military supplies.

Wad al-Noura

Mada Masr provided further information on the Rapid Support militia’s (RSF) massace on Wad al-Noura village in Al-Jazira state.

Eyewitnesses said the RSF’s first attempt to raid another village was thwarted by resistance from locals and the Sudanese air force, before the RSF redirected their attack towards Wad al-Noura with around 15 combat vehicles and heavy weaponry, including Katyusha rockets and anti-aircraft guns. A local medical source said most of the casualties were deliberate targets. 

Mada Masr add that the RSF’s presence in Al-Jazira  is divided under four leaderships, with a field military source indicating the undisciplined nature of these RSF combat units, “as they do not follow military orders, and are primarily motivated by looting and theft [and] consequently, attack villages and neighborhoods for financial gain.”