SUDAN NEWS ALERT: Foreign Policy – Sudanese Militias Are Committing Genocide in Darfur—Again

5/6/2024: Foreign Policy – Sudanese Militias Are Committing Genocide in Darfur—Again, by Mutasim Ali and Yonah Diamond

Mutasim Ali and Yonah Diamond of the Raoul Wallenberg Centre for Human Rights outlined policy solutions for the US to prevent genocide in Al-Fashir, warning the international community is mistaken in “prioritising a sham political process in [Jeddah]”.  

The authors call for the US president Joe Biden to openly call on the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) commander Himedti to call off his attack, and on the UAE to cease its support for the RSF.   

They also call for the US to build regional support for an African Union-led civilian protection mechanism in Al-Fashir, alongside calling an emergency open debate on Al-Fasher at the UN Security Council with a resolution passed for immediate consequences on all actors “openly fueling this genocide, including the UAE.” 

Finally, the authors call for humanitarian aid pledges made at the Paris conference for Sudan to be immediately implemented to prevent wide-scale famine.