SUDAN NEWS ALERT: Sudan Tribune – Mass displacement and looting in Sinjah After RSF attack

29/6/2024: Sudan Tribune – Mass displacement and looting in Sinjah After RSF attack

Sudan Tribune report that Sinjah, the capital of Sennar state, and surrounding areas are experiencing a mass exodus of civilians following the Rapid Support Forces’ (RSF) attack on the city. 

Local sources reported that RSF members ransacked shops, homes, and the market in Sinjah. Eyewitnesses recounted RSF fighters storming homes and demanding valuables such as cars, mobile phones, money, and jewellery.

Thousands of residents from Sinjah and nearby villages have been displaced, fleeing southwest towards the Blue Nile state or east across the Nile to Gedaref state.

Sennar state, already home to displaced people from other conflict-stricken regions, is now grappling with a fresh wave of internally displaced people from the Jabal Moya area, which fell under RSF control.