SUDAN INSIGHT ALERT: International Rescue Committee - Sudan Watchlist Crisis Alert (Solutions)

25/6/2024: International Rescue Committee - Sudan Watchlist Crisis Alert (Solutions)



1. Diplomatic solutions


The International Rescue Committee provided diplomatic solutions for ending the conflict in Sudan including:


·      Elevating engagement with the warring parties and their sponsors to the highest diplomatic level as a reflection of the severity of the crisis and a demonstration of international commitment to addressing it.

·      Deploying levers of influence including encouraging the UAE and Saudi Arabia to halt the import of Sudanese gold and livestock until a ceasefire is implemented, alongside extending the mandate of the UN Panel of Experts and using their findings to increase public scrutiny of the roles of regional actors.

·      Expanding investigative mechanisms, potentially including a Commission of Inquiry on Sudan, to hold those responsible for violations of international law to account.

·      Establish one inclusive negotiation track to end the fighting.



2. Five solutions for resetting the humanitarian response.



·      Food insecurity: donors and the UN urgently scaling up funding for and delivery of cash operations, and support Sudanese farmers to plant crops and improve food production by expanding access to agricultural inputs.


·      Increased funding for local responders, alongside reforming structures to increase opportunities for local responders to directly access grants, prioritising reforming the Sudan Humanitarian Fund which failed to fund any local responders in 2023.


·      Senior access coordinator appointed by the UN Secretary General.

·      Strengthen and decentralise UN response leadership in Sudan with UN operational hubs across the country led by senior staff, and an Emergency Telecommunications Cluster increasing capacity to all humanitarian actors can access services.


·      Increase the UN Security Council’s scrutiny of the crisis by holding regular, open briefing sessions led by the secretary general and the emergency relief coordinator, and creating safe opportunities for NGOs and local responders to share their experiences of humanitarian access barriers.