SUDAN INSIGHT ALERT: Ayin Network - Experts ask for a new civilian protection force in Sudan

22/6/2024: Ayin Network - Experts ask for a new civilian protection force in Sudan

Amid calls for a civilian protection mission in Al-Fashir, the Ayin Network quoted from analysts on the prospect of such.

Gerit Kurtz, a researcher at the German Institute for International and Security Affairs, sees little chance of passing such a resolution via the UN Security Council, citing the bad relations between Russia on one side and the US, UK and France on the other among the permanent members.

“Therefore, only the AU Peace and Security Council or the AU Assembly could authorise an African deployment,” he said.

Canada’s first resident diplomat in Sudan, Nicholas Coghlan, believes a ceasefire agreement is necessary before any country commits to deploying troops in Sudan. “It would require at least a tentative, possibly partial, ceasefire and the acquiescence of both parties. I cannot see that any foreign country would be disposed to risk the lives of its soldiers in the current context,” he said.