SUDAN INSIGHT ALERT: Chatham House - A strong civilian coalition is vital to avert Sudan’s disintegration,

21/6/2024: Chatham House - A strong civilian coalition is vital to avert Sudan’s disintegration, by Dame Rosalind Marsden

For the Taqadum coalition to counter accusations that it is the political wing of the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) militia, ex-UK ambassador to Sudan Dame Rosalind Marsden calls for Taqadum’s leadership to maintain consistent messaging in condemning violence by both sides of Sudan’s conflict.  

Marsden notes that the accusations have gained traction among many Sudanese in the context of heinous atrocities committed by the RSF.

Adding that Sudan needs an alternative to the warring parties and their supporters, Marsden also calls for Taqadum to “broaden alignment with others in the anti-war civilian camp,” deepen outreach to grassroots civil society actors, “including youth-led resistance committees, women’s rights groups, unions and professional associations”.