SUDAN INSIGHT ALERT: Brookings Institute - What can be done about Sudan’s deepening humanitarian catastrophe?

20/6/2024: Brookings Institute - What can be done about Sudan’s deepening humanitarian catastrophe?, by Jeffrey Feltman and Fred Dews

Ex-US Special Envoy for the Horn of Africa Jeffrey Feltman offered insights on the Sudan’s humanitarian catastrophe and proposed solutions.

Despite pre-existing “famine-like conditions”, Feltman suggested that the downside with the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification that officially declares famine is that it requires the cooperation of the Sudanese army, who Feltman said do not want aid to flow into areas controlled by the Rapid Support militia. 

 Feltman proposed recognising that Sudan is divided under at least two separate authorities, with agencies dividing which part of the country they work in.

Feltman also called for flexibility in how assistance is delivered, noting that local emergency response rooms “are not people who can apply for aid grants” as “bureaucracies often are not fit to the purpose,” before suggesting “we need to take more risks in how we get assistance into the hands of those who are who are actually delivering.”