SUDAN INSIGHT ALERT: DW - Sudan siege bears hallmarks of brutal Darfur war,

19/6/2024: DW - Sudan siege bears hallmarks of brutal Darfur war, by Jennifer Holleis

 DW’s feature piece on the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) siege on al-Fashir spoke to analysts and individuals personally impacted.

Resident Taj-Alseer Ahamed said “we don't have money to buy food or water. We don't know where our relatives are. We cannot sleep and have to hide from bullets or missiles day and night”.

Hamid Adam showed DW the remains of this house and said: “this is not just artillery fire, this was a rocket strong enough to destroy mountains but should never be used against human beings."

Hager Ali, a researcher at the German think-tank GIGA Institute for Global and Area Studies, told DW events in Al-Fashir are best described as “scorched earth strategy,” with the destruction of important agricultural goods, razing villages, the systematic killing of non-Arab minorities, widespread sexual violence against women, aiming to ensure that " even when you retreat, your enemy has absolutely nothing to gain”.