SUDAN NEWS ALERT: NBC - Fire used as 'weapon of war' in Sudan as entire towns and villages burned to the ground

16/6/2024: NBC - Fire used as 'weapon of war' in Sudan as entire towns and villages burned to the ground, by Gabe Joselow and Michael Fiorentino

NBC reported on the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) use of fire as a weapon of war around Al-Fashir.  

Centre for Information Resilience open-source investigator Mark Snoeck said over 50 settlements have burned repeatedly, suggesting “intent” and possible forced displacement.

Ex-foreign minister Omer Ismail, now a researcher for the Yale Humanitarian Research Lab, said the current  RSF atrocities are unprecedented in Sudan’s history, after the lab concluded the militia has been “systematically destroying civilian dwellings” in areas that have a significant population of Zaghawa.  

Dr. Gillian Burkhardt, who worked with Medicins Sans Frontières (MSF) in Al-Fashir said there is no food or access to healthcare in the city, with her husband, MSF logistics team leader Paul Clarke, saying moving humanitarian supplies into the city is immensely difficult amid the lack of functioning airports meaning that trucks filled with ready-made meals from neighbouring Chad take a month to reach Al-Fashir.