SUDAN NEWS ALERT: AFP - UN experts say Sudan paramilitaries are recruiting in Central African Republic

14/6/2024: AFP - UN experts say Sudan paramilitaries are recruiting in Central African Republic

AFP report that the Rapid Support militia (RSF) are using the Central African Republic (CAR) as a "supply chain," including for recruitment of fighters, according to a report published by UN experts concerned about a "spillover effect."

The experts insist the RSF are using the Am Dafok area on the Sudan-CAR border "as a key logistical hub,” with the RSF recruiting from armed rebel groups in the CAR – particularly the Popular Front since as early as August 2023 – because the militia can "move between the two countries easily through a long-standing network”.

The experts called on CAR authorities to "counteract the surge in arms trafficking from neighboring countries, particularly given the current conflict situation in the Sudan,” and to combat "the infiltration of foreign fighters into the CAR, which poses a significant long-term threat to the region."