SUDAN NEWS ALERT: The Sun – Sudan massacre – Brit student shot dead by militia while protecting women at peaceful protest as social media profiles turn blue in solidarity

13/6/19: The Sun – Sudan massacre – Brit student shot dead by militia while protecting women at peaceful protest as social media profiles turn blue in solidarity, by Christy Cooney

 The Sun reports that a blue wave of solidarity is sweeping social media after a protester who came to university in Britain was shot dead protecting two women at a peaceful protest in Sudan.

 Social media users are changing their profile picture blue, the favourite colour of Mohamed Mattar, a 26-year-old graduate of London's Brunel university who was killed last week.

 Reports say that Mattar was shot by the brutal Rapid Support Forces militia while trying to protect to women from harm.

 The hashtag #BlueForSudan has spread across social media platforms in tribute to the protester.