SUDAN INSIGHT ALERT: Conversation – Sudan food emergency: local researcher unpacks scale of the disaster and what action is needed

12/6/2024: Conversation – Sudan food emergency: local researcher unpacks scale of the disaster and what action is needed

Oliver Kiptoo Kirui, who co-authored the Sudan National Household Survey, recommended various solutions to alleviate the risks of famine in Sudan.

·      Immediate humanitarian aid: rapid deployment of food aid and nutritional support; opening and maintaining secure humanitarian corridors for uninterrupted aid delivery.

·      Support for agricultural production: providing farmers with seeds, tools and training; initiatives to improve water management and irrigation infrastructure; long-term investments in sustainable farming practices and infrastructure.

·      Economic support: financial aid, reducing inflation and ensuring the availability of affordable basic goods.

·      Conflict resolution and security: efforts to mediate the conflict and establish peace to allow safe access for humanitarian efforts.

·      International coordination: a coordinated international response to ensure efficient use of resources and address displaced populations’ needs; Collaboration and resource-sharing among humanitarian actors can enhance the effectiveness of aid delivery.