SUDAN NEWS ALERT: Reuters - Parts of Sudan are in famine, extent unclear, top US diplomat says

11/6/2024: Reuters - Parts of Sudan are in famine, extent unclear, top US diplomat says, by Giulia Paravicini

Reuters report that US’ envoy to Sudan, Tom Perriello, said parts of Sudan are in famine, adding that the extent of extreme hunger remained unclear.

Reuters note that no formal declaration of famine has been made in Sudan, with a famines determined through a complex set of technical criteria set called the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC), an initiative of U.N. agencies, regional bodies and aid groups.

In an assessment in March 2024, the IPC said nearly five million people in Sudan were one step away from famine, with the IPC expected to issue an update in the coming weeks.

Perriello said the main obstacle to declaring famine was a lack of data due to the impact of the conflict, accusing the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) of burning crops and looting warehouse and the army of “playing games with border access”.