SUDAN NEWS ALERT: Sudan Tribune - RSF exploited security breach to attack hospital in North Darfur’s capital

10/6/2024: Sudan Tribune - RSF exploited security breach to attack hospital in North Darfur’s capital

Sudan Tribune report that a security lapse exploited by the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) led to the attack on the South Hospital in al-Fasher.

An anonymous military official told Sudan Tribune that elements of the joint force received deceptive orders from individuals disguised in Joint Force uniforms, instructing them to retreat due to inclement weather and rain.

Subsequently, an RSF unit using civilian vehicles entered the city centre through this opening and attacked the South Hospital, the only functioning medical facility in the area.

Upon discovering the breach, a Sudanese army force, supported by elements of the Joint Force stationed at the nearby market, engaged the RSF, ultimately driving them southeast of the city.