SUDAN INSIGHT ALERT: CNN - Sudan just got a step closer to full democracy. Big obstacles remain
Following the signing ceremony of Sudan’s power-sharing agreement, CNN argue that obstacles still remain in Sudan’s path to full democracy – citing Himedti’s presence on the signing table and the absence of women “who played a crucial role in the protest movement.”
CNN state that the choice of signatories in the power-sharing agreement was “heavy with symbolism.”
The Sudanese Professional Association choice, Ahmed Al-Rabee - a schoolteacher earning the equivalent of around $33 a month - is “emblematic of the economic hardship faced by professionals amid Sudan's institutional corruption.”
By contrast, the military council put forward Himedti, who was “al-Bashir’s former right hand man in the bloody Darfur conflict,” and overseen numerous crackdowns on protesters, including the June 3 massacre.
CNN added that women were absent from the agreement signing, despite playing “a pivotal role in the protest movement - by some estimates accounting for up to 70% of demonstrators.”